Who is eligible to receive Emergency Relief Grants |
Programs must be CCDF eligible and serving children with active CCDF and On My Way Pre-K vouchers. |
How do I apply to become a CCDF-eligible provider? |
To become CCDF eligible, contact your licensing consultant. Learn more at https://www.in.gov/fssa/carefinder/provider-resources/. |
My program is CCDF Eligible, but we are not currently serving CCDF children. Am I eligible to receive grant funds? |
You will only receive grant funds when your program is actively serving children using CCDF vouchers. |
How do I apply to receive the Emergency Relief Grant? |
To streamline and expedite the process for programs to receive these funds, the state is not requiring providers to submit an application and will instead automatically apply the 20% increase to your regularly scheduled bi-weekly CCDF payments |
Will the 20% increase be applied to care provided before the grant period? |
No. The increase will only be applied to care provided to children with active CCDF vouchers while the grant program is in effect. |
What if I change my rates while receiving Emergency Relief Grants? |
Changing your rate is unlikely to impact your CCDF reimbursement since reimbursements are based upon the lesser of the market rate or the provider’s charge rate. |
How will the 20% increase be applied to eligible programs? |
The reimbursement increase will be applied based on time and attendance for the set CCDF reimbursement rates found here (https://www.in.gov/fssa/carefinder/provider-reimbursements/). |
If I attempt to collect payment from a family for missed CCDF swipes, can I only collect my posted tuition rate or can I attempt to collect the additional 20%? |
You may only collect your posted tuition rate |
How will programs receive grant funds? |
Programs will receive grant funds automatically during their regularly scheduled bi-weekly payments from FSSA. The grant funds will be added on top of regular reimbursements. |
When will programs receive grant funds? |
Programs will receive grant funds on a bi-weekly basis following the FSSA 2021 Child Care Provider Payment Schedule. Programs began receiving their first grant payment back on April 28, 2021. |
What can relief funds be used for? |
Programs can use relief funds to help cover increased operating expenses and for expenses incurred to reopen classrooms, hire additional staff and compensate team members. |
Will the 20% increase be applied before or after CCDF co-payments are added to a program's regularly scheduled payment? |
The increase will be added before the CCDF co-payments. |
Who should I contact if I find an error with my Emergency Relief Grant payment? |
For specific questions about your Emergency Relief Grant payment, contact your policy consultant or email OECOSLproviderinquiry@fssa.IN.gov |
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