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What is your staff roster?
Your staff roster is a feature on your I-LEAD account that shows everyone who works for your child care program. This features shows who has accepted an educator invitation, connected their I-LEAD account to your license(s), and what the status of their consent forms are. Educators who accept their educator invites sent by a provider admin will have a consent form for each educator invite they accept per license and be added to the Associated Educator roster.
Who has access to the staff roster?
Any I-LEAD user who accepted their admin invite from another provider admin or submitted their licensing paperwork will have access to the license's roster. If someone needs the ability to manage staff consent forms or do licensing paperwork, the current license holder can send them an admin invite. If a child care center has a new director, the old director needs to send an admin invite to the new director's email so they can be connected to the license. Please see "Provider Admins" below for more information.
Where is the staff roster?
It can be found on the same I-LEAD account the admin invite was accepted on. To find it:
- Login to I-LEAD
- Scroll down to your Provider section on the I-LEAD Dashboard
- Click View Details next to the license you wish to view. Each license has its own Associated Educator roster that should show everyone eligible to work at that site.
- Scroll down to Associated Educators. This roster shows all educators who submitted past consent forms or accepted their invitations for this particular license.
Managing Your Provider Details Page
The provider admin page has 6 different sections available (in order from top to bottom of the page). Please click on each one below for more information on each section and how to manage them:
- Provider Information
- Provider Admins
- Invited Admins
- Provider Applications
- Invited Educators
- Associated Educators
It is recommended that all staff use their personal email addresses when creating an I-LEAD accounts. This is to insure that educators maintain access to their historical training records on Indiana Learning Paths when they change providers.
How to keep your staff roster up-to-date and accurate
Once a provider admin of a facility is logged into I-LEAD, associated educators will be visible within each facility. There are several ways to manage your team from there:
- A section entitled “Invite Status” appears if the status of the invitation is either declined or pending.
- “Update” will allow you to update an existing employee’s “Educator Type” and/or “Hire Date”
- “View Details” will allow you to view what email(s) a person is registered under, what licenses they're connected to, and when a consent was submitted and expires
- “Remove” will allow you to enter a termination date for employees that no longer work for your agency, which removes the individual from the facility educator listing. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format to remove them. Those with missing hire dates and educator types will need that added before they can be removed or do their consent form
It is recommended that you use the personal email address of each associated educator since I-LEAD accounts are associated with individuals, rather than a particular position or employment situation.
Need Additional Help?
If a person is duplicated on the roster, unable to merge with their records, didn't receive their invite, can't complete their consent form, or you have additional questions about managing the license(s) Associated Educator roster, please contact the Solution Center at 1-800-299-1627 or email the Solution Center for additional help.
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