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Certificate Won't Download
If you attempt to download a certificate off the "Learner Report" or "Transcript" tab in My Certificates but the certificate won't download, there may be several different reasons preventing this:
- Completion Date: Any completed course will have a date listed under this section. If the completion date is missing, the lesson is incomplete and needs to be finished. Go back into the lesson and press "Yes" to resume where you left off.
- Expiration Date: If the certificate expires, there will be an expiration date. The main courses that can be retaken are Safe Sleep, Child Abuse, or Universal Precautions. The module needs to be completed between the Expiration Date & Certificate Expiration or after the expired certificate date to receive a new completion certificate. A new, blue "Register" button should appear for the lesson when due for renewal. The credits for a renewed lesson only counts once per year. (Note: Safe Sleep and Universal Precautions are only required once. However, they were made to expire in case the licensing consultant requests them to be redone. Safe Sleep can be retaken as early as a month from the original completion date. Universal Precautions can be taken annually from the certificate completion date.)
- Mobile Users: Some mobile devices aren't compatible with the website. If the completion date is listed and the certificate doesn't expire but you're using mobile, you may need to switch to a computer to download or print off the certificate.
Returning to the Lesson:
Live Webinars: The certificates are issued by the instructor within 48 hours of course completion. If its been 48 hours and there's still no signs of the certificate on the account, please contact so the instructor can be notified. Uploaded videos from past webinars are used for informational purposes only and don't typically provide a certificate upon watch.
Face-to-Face: Certificates are given at the end of the class by the instruction to those who meet the course requirements. Please use the information provided in class to reach out to the instructor if there's any questions. If they're not already uploaded to your ILP account within 48 hours and you have your physical copy, you can upload it via Adding Outside Certificates (Click Here).
For modules listed as "Register"/ "Start" in Training Catalog/ My Training -or- have a missing "Completion Date" in My Certificates, this means that the lesson isn't finished and hasn't issued a certificate. To see why the certificate isn't marked as completed, please do the following:
- Click the title of the course you wish to view
- Click the green "Start" or blue "Register" button to open the course
- Click the link under "Course Materials" to launch the course in another tab. This link normally has a red asterisk next to it: Ex: * (sometimes a "Launch Course Material" needs click for the course to appear). Keep both the Indiana Learning Paths and the lesson tab open so the progress saves to the site
- Press "Yes" to resume where you left off. This will take you to the last slide saved before the lesson was closed out. If you're on the last slide saying "Congratulations", press "Pause" so you can check the instructions below to see why the certificate didn't issue
Loading Issue when Resuming Lesson: Some lesson's like Module 3: Safety (a.k.a "Indiana's Introduction to the Early Childhood and Out of School Learning Profession - Online Course - Module 3 - Safety") may require you to zoom in and out again on the screen for the buttons to work. This is a temporary work around while the issue is being investigated.
Checking the Lesson Completion Requirements:
Open All Links- Some courses, like the "Infancy Onward" modules, have links that need to be opened for the certificate to issue. Pause the lesson when you get to the Congratulations page and click these for the certificate to issue. If it doesn't show on a mobile device, please got to a computer to click through the links. When you refresh the "Indiana Learning Paths" lesson tab next to the lesson tab, the progress should switch from 0% to 100% and issue the certificate.
Minimum Passing Score- Some lessons like the Child Abuse course has a minimum passing score requirement. If this certificate isn't met, it will let you move onto the last slide saying "Congratulations" but won't issue the certificate. Click the "Post-Training Questions" slide and click through the answers to get to the Results screen and click "Retry Quiz". For some lessons, you may have to pause the course and click "Prev" to get to the score page and click "Retry". The slide will highlight what score is needed but you can retake the course however many times you need to pass.
Interacting with All Slides- Some lessons like the "Indiana's Introduction to the Early Childhood and Out of School Learning Profession" health and safety series or Universal Precautions have slides you have to interact with for it to recognize the course completion. If the course starts in the middle of the lesson when you click "Yes" to resume, this may be because something was missed on the original slide. Please be sure to interact with all parts of the lesson to receive credit.
SPARK! Educator Onboarding Course Collection Part 1: Mandatory Training Completion:
Educators that need to redo their Child Abuse course will need to verify that all the other lessons on the Onboarding Part 1 training is completed. If any lessons aren't completed and an educator attempts to redo their child abuse course, the certificate may not issue so long as there are other courses in this specific series that weren't completed.
All courses in this section must be listed as "Completed" for the renewal countdown to work when Child Abuse expires in a year. Any courses listed with a "Start" must be completed first before educators will receive a new "Register" button for Child abuse when its due.
An email from is sent by the system automatically before their certificates expire. The expiration dates listed at the bottom of the email should be the same "Expiration Date" seen on the "Learner Reports" section of "My Certificates". The Expiration Date is also used to determine the earliest date it can be retaken. (Note: The expiration date isn't the same as the certificate expiration date. The certificate usually expires a month or two after the listed expiration date and allows a window for educators to complete the course.)
Make sure the rest of the onboarding classes are completed first before attempting to do the child abuse coursework. If there's any issues post-training, please contact for additional assistance.
Troubleshooting Other Issues:
Please check to make sure the following isn't affecting your ability to do the lessons:
- Device- Some lessons have components that don't work on mobile devices. When possible, its best to do the modules on a computer either at home, the library, or at the child care facility's computer
- Internet Browser- Some browsers (like Safari, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge) may struggle to load some of the lesson components. Please download and use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome if this happens. HP, Dell, and Apple product users are recommended to use Mozilla Firefox for best performance.
- Internet Connectivity- If using a laptop, please make sure you're connected to the modem via an ethernet or have a strong internet connection. If the internet connection disconnects or the screensaver kids in, it may not save all your progress.
- Website Tab Was Closed- During training, please keep both the lesson and the Indiana Learning Paths tab open so your progress has someplace to save. If you closed the website but kept the lesson tab open, please open a new tab, log back into I-LEAD, and click "Start your Indiana Learning Paths" again so your progress has somewhere to save.
- Website Times Out- Before closing out the lesson, please click the "Indiana Learning Paths" tab next to it and refresh it to make sure the process too. Sometimes if the computer went to screensaver mode or the internet was lost, you may need to log back in for it to recognize your progress.
Manager Role: Viewing Staff Certificates
Completing Training on Indiana Learning Paths
Minimum Passing Assessment Score by Course
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