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If you are attempting to create an account in Access Indiana but you are not receiving the verification code, please check to make sure the email is spelled correctly. If everything is correct, your email settings may be blocking the email from entering the inbox. To fix this, follow these directions:
- Keep the page you're working on open
- Open a new tab or window without closing the Access Indiana website page you are on
- Go to the email inbox you were attempting to use for your account
- Open or Compose a new email in your inbox
- Enter "" in the email address section labeled "To"
- Type in "Test" on the Subject Line
- Send the email
- Check your "Sent" folder afterward
- Use the address in the sent email to add to your Contacts
- Then go back to the Access Indiana page and click "Resend Verification Code"
- The verification code from should come through after to use to create the account. It will be labeled "No Reply: Access Indiana Two-Step Email Verification".
- Enter the code and then press "Continue" to finish the account setup
GMAIL User Instructions:
Rather than use the method above, you should be able to add "" directly to your contacts section to get the "No Reply: Access Indiana Two-Step Email Verification" email. Please make sure to check your "All Mail" and "Promotions" folders too if it doesn't go to the "Primary" folder.
- Go into your Gmail inbox.
- Find and click on the contacts icon on the right-hand corner of the screen.
- Then click the box with a diagonal arrow located at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Once on the Contacts page, Click "+Create Contact" and add "" to the email section below. Then press "Save".
- Once is in your contacts section, go back to Access Indiana to click the "Send Verification Code" button.
- The code may come in either "All Mail" or "Promotions" folder if it does not appear in the "Primary" inbox folder. It will be labeled: "No Reply: Access Indiana Two-Step Email Verification". Click on it to get the code and enter it on Access Indiana.

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